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Reach for the Stars

Our school just launched a FUN reading-incentive program, Reach For The Stars!! This program is sponsored by the publisher Usborne Books and we ask that you encourage your children to participate. The Reach For The Stars program will challenge students to read daily and reward them with exciting and fun books of their choice, to keep for their own. The school will also earn lots of books for our library and classrooms! Here’s how it works: STEP ONE: Students will read as many minutes as they can for the next 2 weeks (if they are not reading yet, this is minutes that are read TO them). Students will record their minutes on their reading log. START READING TODAY!! We challenge them to read 30 minutes each night during the 2 week period! STEP TWO: Help your child get sponsors to make a pledge to support their reading!! The more pledges they collect, the more books they will get to pick out. EVERY DOLLAR collected goes back to the student and the school in the form of Usborne books. Your child will get 50% of his/her pledge money in Usborne books of his/her choice! The other 50% of the pledge money will go to the classrooms and library for books and educational materials. This is a 100% return and a win-win for everyone!! STEP THREE: Turn in the reading log and pledge money from Thursday, Oct. 20th. STEP FOUR: Students will pick out their books (equal to 50% of the pledge money he/she collected) on Thursday, October 27th during school (1:30 to 2:30 pm). You and your child can view the books online at

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