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An Exciting Day at Blue School!

What a day! We started off our morning with a great lesson on Bullying from our student intern, Brooke. After Brooke's lesson and after finishing our Friday work, we got to make slime! Small groups of students in different grades worked together to create some gooey slime. Each group picked a color and a "gross" addition - eyes, spiders, skulls. Everyone was sure to take some home to share with their family. Once slime was done, it was time to party! The Halloween treats, music and games were a big hit (one kindergarten student even said it was the "best Halloween EVER!") After a quick break to run around outside and have some lunch, Blue School jumped into their next activity, the Usborne Book Fair. Thanks to all the students who participated this year. We raised over $1000! $500 of that went back to the participating students in books and the other $500 went to the school to build our classroom library.

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